BOOK REVIEW: "A Moment in Time" by Tracie Peterson
I've only read one Tracie Peterson book before this, and I want to thank Bethany House for allowing me a free copy of A MOMENT IN TIME in exchange for my honest review.
The premise for the story was wonderful. Tracie Peterson creates characters with deep thoughts and a strong desire to do good before God and do goodwill to others. I appreciate and admire that. Christians are supposed to desire these things. There are many faith-based books on the market where "Christians" act the same way as the rest of the world. Please understand me: I recognize that we all fall short, and no one is perfect. But if we look exactly like the world, do we really look like Christ? So, thank you, Tracie Peterson, for your godly characters' examples.
So, the premise and characters' faith were good; however, I didn't feel the premise was fully successful in its actual execution. I explain in the paragraphs below.
This book started strong, with suspense in the first chapter. I was immediately drawn in by the mystery of Mr. Smith and the heroine's impending danger. This structure led me to believe the entire book's tension would build from that point; however, it tapered off for a few chapters, while we were given several pages of backstory and inactivity. I found this section hard to slog through. I understand that the backstory we were given was very important to setting up the story (especially the information about how she got her scar and what happened with her mother) . . . the problem is that, in the current fiction market, the pace/tension needs to continue to build. I feel the backstory in A MOMENT IN TIME would've been better received if it was given in snippets rather than several paragraphs, in conversation rather than author intrusion.
And due to the back cover copy, I assumed this was a romance. And it was . . . though it started quite late. Again, my expectations are set by other inspirational fiction currently on the market. A story isn't a romance until the hero and heroine meet, and these two didn't meet until several chapters in. I confess I felt disappointed each time a new chapter began and the heroine hadn't headed to Texas yet to meet the hero.
So, all in all, I think the book was fine--though not my particular preference. I tend to lean toward books that build their tension from the first chapter. But if you like a calmer pace, strong faith messages, and tender romance, you will probably enjoy this book. I know Tracie Peterson has been a well-received author for many years and undoubtedly has a faithful fan base. They will probably enjoy this story!
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