Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Today's Endangered Word:



{AF-ter-wit. Noun; also after-wit}
Late 16th century
Extremely rare

This is a fun word. It's something I struggle with on a weekly basis, sometimes a daily basis, and I'm guessing you do, too. Unless you're a silver-tongued individual, and then the rest of us are envious of you!

Wisdom after the event, that comes too late.

You've dealt with this . . . Am I right?

Used in a sentence: As I left the debate, I had an infuriating bout of afterwit--oh, the things I could've said!

All except the word's description and sentence example is taken directly or derived from
Endangered Words: A Collection of Rare Gems for Book Lovers
by Simon Hertnon.

Your turn: Make up a sentence for us, using the word AFTERWIT!

Monday, October 13, 2014

BOOK REVIEW MONDAY: Playing by Heart

Playing by Heart

by Anne Mateer

I would give this book:

4.5 out of 5 Stars
First off, isn't this cover fabulous? I love the grace and beauty here, not the mention the color choice. I was a bit surprised that there wasn't any basketball reference on the cover, since the sport is so prevalent in the book. I did, however, enjoy the basketball photograph on the back--that black-and-white photo of the girls adds an element of fun!
I'd never read Anne Mateer's work before, so I chose the book based on the cover. I am pleased to report that I enjoyed the story and will probably read her work again.
Mateer's writing is less descriptive than what I am used to reading. Most of the time, that didn't bother me--I could imagine the scenes, the movements, the clothing, etc. just fine. I adored her clipped sentences and occasional fragments. This writing style really moved quickly.
The pacing of the story went very well at first. I was sucked in and hanging on every word. Then, the pace slowed, about the time when the heroine, Miss Lula Bowman, is hired as the music teacher/girls' basketball coach and didn't pick up until the moment basketball season began. To be honest, I'd hoped for more fireworks between Lula and Chet throughout most of the story. I was a bit surprised at how Chet could think of nothing else but Lula, yet he really hadn't had much of a conversation with her until basketball season started. I would've loved to see more connecting moments between the two of them. The pacing picked up again, near the end, when the basketball season was at an end and everything barreled toward the black moment. I really connected with the characters and sympathized for them at this point.
I found the storyline to be unique. I liked how Mateer linked WWI, basketball, and music. I felt like I was walking around in the time period, so that was wonderful. In fact, this old time "flavor" was my favorite aspect of the book!
I recommend Playing By Heart by Anne Mateer.
This book was given to me by Bethany House Publishers in exchange for my honest opinion.

Friday, September 26, 2014

WRITING TIP FRIDAY: 4 Dos and Don'ts for Writing Back Story

Back Story . . . The definition is exactly as the name suggests: it's the story that happens back in time. The part of the story that happens before page one.

It's one of those necessary evils involved in the writing of a book. Readers often look to back story for necessary information about the characters and setting. For example, a character might act in a particular way that is surprising . . . until you read the back story, and then it is understandable. In the book I recently finished writing, the hero has an obvious aversion to the heroine when they first meet; this is because she triggers memories from his past that he's never learned to deal with. That information is given to the reader in the form of back story.

But current literary trends nearly require back story to be delivered in a certain way. That is because, while back story is important to storytelling, it also has the potential to bog the story down, making the book cumbersome and boring. Sure, some books work under different formats, but generally speaking, there are some dos and don'ts as far as how to write the back story for your novel.

1. Don't tell the readers everything you dream up. When authors plot their novels, they often spend time writing out the entire history of characters and even possibly their settings. How many siblings do they have? Where were they born? What was their relationship like with their parents? What defining moments changed their lives? Though this information is necessary for you the author to understand your characters as you write, not all of that information is necessary to include in the story for the readers. If your heroine is a first-born, she'll probably exhibit some of those natural tendencies . . . but if her younger siblings are not essential to the story, there is no need for the reader to know the order in which she was born.

    Do give readers necessary information. Once you've plotted out the characters' back stories, determine what information is necessary for the reader to know. If it furthers the plot, or defines a character's major quirk or flaw, then you might want to include it. But don't include information just because you dreamed it up. Unnecessary information takes readers down tangents that will draw attention away from your main plot.

2. Don't unload all the back story at once. This tendency will mark a writer as an amateur. Some writers in the field call this act "info dumping," which means exactly what it sounds like. In the opening chapter(s), paragraphs upon paragraphs, or pages upon pages, of historical information is like backing up a dump truck and releasing all its contents into a pile. It will bog down readers, and they won't know how to sort the information as it comes to them. Which piece is important first? Is all of this necessary, or are you telling me things I don't need to know? Not only does it confuse readers, but it also slows the pace. **In a similar light, flashbacks should be used scarcely and with caution. If they're too long, they'll bore the reader and pull them from "the current moment".

    Do weave in snippets at a time among moments of action. As mentioned above, too much information at once can slow the pace of the story. This is an easy trap to fall into, and I myself am still working on it. Rather than paragraph after paragraph, the amount of information given at one time needs to be small and specific, interspersed between moments of action. Give the reader a tiny morsel--a sentence or two--woven among the plot elements so that it doesn't slow the pace. (A tiny pile of dirt is easier to maneuver than an entire dump-truck load, right?)

3. Don't give readers random selections of back story. Be strategic in what elements of the back story you give away. But more than that, you want to be proactive in the order in which you present the necessary backstory.

    Do use back story to increase the tension and mystery of your story. Once you've whittled your wealth of back story down to the necessary snippets, ask yourself what order would give your story the most tension. As an obvious example, a mystery never reveals the criminal until the end--otherwise the tension would be gone. Likewise, you want to reveal your back story information in an order that will surprise the reader and keep them interested in learning more.

4. Don't wait too long to give vital information. It is good and effective to withhold important information from the reader for a time. As mentioned above, this will build the tension in the story. However, if you withhold the information for too long, the reader will grow frustrated.

    Do be strategic and purposeful in "dropping breadcrumbs." It is a tough balancing. It may take a few drafts to get the breadcrumbs evenly dispersed. The important thing is to be aware of this element in your story. Don't withhold too long, but don't give all at once. Find the moments in your story where back story breadcrumbs will give your story the punch it needs.

No one gets all of these elements perfect in their first drafts, so don't get discouraged if you struggle with handling back story. Continue to work at it, re-reading your story and mapping your back story breadcrumbs until they're where they should be. You can do it! I have faith. Before long, you'll have your readers absolutely hooked!

How about you? Do you struggle with balancing back story?
What helpful hints would you share?

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Your endangered word for this Tuesday's edition is . . .


"One who is cunning with words."

There you have it, folks! An inventor of words. Or, William Shakespeare.
What creative sentences can you come up with? GO!

Monday, September 22, 2014

BOOK REVIEW MONDAY: Colliding with Destiny

Today's review is a little different. We're hitting a non-fiction book this week. I read:

Colliding with Destiny:

Finding Hope in the Legacy of Ruth


by Sarah Jakes

I give this book 4 out of 5 stars
THE STORY OF RUTH is a journey of transformation. By allowing God to transform her circumstances, Ruth went from a widow who would be excluded from society to a wife with a secure and protected future, a future that ultimately paved the way for the birth of King David! Her story is full of collision--loss, heartache, poverty, even shame--but she never let her past define her. Instead, the most painful time of her life became her most pivotal, propelling her to a destiny she never imagined.
Perhaps you have a past you're struggling to overcome. If disappointments, whether a result of your own choices or the actions of others, have kept you from being your true self, this book is for you. Follow Ruth's life and discover the hope available to each of us. Your yesterday does not have to dictate your tomorrow.
I hadn't heard of Sarah Jakes, nor had I read her books, so I wasn't sure what to expect. I love the story of Ruth, so from that aspect, I expected to see a lot of scripture and a lot of deep, meaty content. 
I thought this was an interesting premise for a book: paralleling the book of Ruth with the struggles in modern lives. I really appreciated the format in which the information was given--beginning each chapter with a passage from Ruth, then using the bulk of the chapter to explain how it applies to our lives, and ending with a journal entry idea and prayer for those who want to carry their devotional further.
I confess, I'd hoped for more meat than there was, and the writing style felt a bit basic for my personal taste, but the content that was there will not disappoint readers.
If you'd like to see how Ruth's struggles look just like yours,
and you'd like to see how her life (with God's help) can change yours,
Check out Colliding with Destiny by Sarah Jakes
Published by Bethany House Publishers

Monday, September 8, 2014

BOOK REVIEW MONDAY: Miracle in a Dry Season

Miracle in a Dry Season

By Sarah Loudin Thomas

I give this book...

3.5 out of 5 Stars

I was excited to read Miracle in a Dry Season for a number of reasons. First, I love Bethany House Publishers, and from them I always expect top-notch writing and storytelling. Second, I've never read this author before, so I wanted to check her out. Third, I really enjoy this cover; it intrigued me. Fourth, I haven't read anything from this era in Inspy literature, so I was excited to take a look. Fifth, the back cover copy is written like the story will be a romance, and I'm always excited for those!

The first chapter was great. I was immediately charmed by Casewell, the story's hero. I was smiling at the unique turn-of-phrase the author used. I also immediately liked the heroine, Perla. I could tell she had a secret to hide, and I was intrigued by it enough to keep reading.

But as the story continued, I began to grow more and more disenchanted with the story, I'm sorry to say. While the characters were very strong (loved the father, the elderly twins, Perla's family, etc.), the writing grew into a "telling" style, more so than I prefer to read personally. I found myself skimming in order to get to the action. That really dragged the pacing down for me. I also kept waiting for the romance, but it never blossomed into what I hoped to see. I honestly felt this was a historical fiction with a light romantic thread, instead of a historical romance. That would've been fine by me, had the back cover copy not portrayed it as a romance.

I did love the era though. Thomas did a great job weaving in the spirit of the time period, and I plan to read more of this era in Inspy lit. I have Thomas' novella, Appalachian Serenade, on my Kindle (which also has an awesome cover!), so I do plan on reading that. I do hope to love this author, given time. I received this book free from the publisher in exchange for my honest review. Thank you for the opportunity!

Monday, August 4, 2014

BOOK REVIEW MONDAY: "Captured by Love" by Jody Hedlund


"Captured by Love" by Jody Hedlund

5 out of 5 stars!

Jody Hedlund has done it again. "Captured by Love" was a beautiful story with realistic characters and a strong sense of history. It follows Angelique MacKenzie and Pierre Durant as they navigate the struggles of being in Michigan Territory in 1814 when the British Army controls their land. I enjoy the way she weaves danger and/or suspense with the love story--every time she has me captured. Not to mention, a little mystery is usually involved. But ultimately, the romance is the heart of the story, and Angelique's and Pierre's love is not one to miss. I hope Bethany House continued to publish Jody Hedlund's work. It is the essence of the quality work I have come to expect from them. **I received this book free from Bethany House in exchange for my honest review.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

BOOK REVIEW: "A Moment in Time" by Tracie Peterson

BOOK REVIEW: "A Moment in Time" by Tracie Peterson

I've only read one Tracie Peterson book before this, and I want to thank Bethany House for allowing me a free copy of A MOMENT IN TIME in exchange for my honest review.

The premise for the story was wonderful. Tracie Peterson creates characters with deep thoughts and a strong desire to do good before God and do goodwill to others. I appreciate and admire that. Christians are supposed to desire these things. There are many faith-based books on the market where "Christians" act the same way as the rest of the world. Please understand me: I recognize that we all fall short, and no one is perfect. But if we look exactly like the world, do we really look like Christ? So, thank you, Tracie Peterson, for your godly characters' examples.

So, the premise and characters' faith were good; however, I didn't feel the premise was fully successful in its actual execution. I explain in the paragraphs below.

This book started strong, with suspense in the first chapter. I was immediately drawn in by the mystery of Mr. Smith and the heroine's impending danger. This structure led me to believe the entire book's tension would build from that point; however, it tapered off for a few chapters, while we were given several pages of backstory and inactivity. I found this section hard to slog through. I understand that the backstory we were given was very important to setting up the story (especially the information about how she got her scar and what happened with her mother) . . . the problem is that, in the current fiction market, the pace/tension needs to continue to build. I feel the backstory in A MOMENT IN TIME would've been better received if it was given in snippets rather than several paragraphs, in conversation rather than author intrusion.

And due to the back cover copy, I assumed this was a romance. And it was . . . though it started quite late. Again, my expectations are set by other inspirational fiction currently on the market. A story isn't a romance until the hero and heroine meet, and these two didn't meet until several chapters in. I confess I felt disappointed each time a new chapter began and the heroine hadn't headed to Texas yet to meet the hero.

So, all in all, I think the book was fine--though not my particular preference. I tend to lean toward books that build their tension from the first chapter. But if you like a calmer pace, strong faith messages, and tender romance, you will probably enjoy this book. I know Tracie Peterson has been a well-received author for many years and undoubtedly has a faithful fan base. They will probably enjoy this story!

Monday, June 2, 2014


Here we are, Book Review Monday. And have I got a treat for you this time!

Melissa Tagg's


HERE TO STAY is seriously one of the best books I've read this year. Simply lovely. If you like Christian contemporary romance--with some laugh-out-loud moments along the way--you'll love this book as much as I did.

This book receives:

5 out of 5 stars

Synopsis from Back of the Book

After playing nomad for five years, Blake Hunziker has finally had enough of adventure. Not sure what receptions he'll get from everyone back in Whisper Shore, he's stunned at not only a warm welcome from his hometown but also a job offer. The job is his if he can successfully pull off the annual Christmas festival. If only he knew the first thing about coordinating events . . .

If there's one thing Autumn Kingsley knows, it's Whisper Shore. For years, she's been stuck running her family's inn when all she wants is to see the world. Now she has a visit scheduled from a potential investor who could take over the inn, as well as a dream job over in Paris. But with just two weeks to whip the inn into shape, her chance at escape is a long shot.

The Hunzikers and the Kingsleys may not get along, but Blake knows Autumn's the only one who can help him. She agrees to a trade--she'll help with the festival and he'll help with inn repairs. But what was meant to be a simple deal quickly becomes much more than that when the guy who's done running away joins forces with the girl who can't wait to leave.

My Expectations as a Reader (and if They Were Met)

I've read this author's debut novel, MADE TO LAST, which I also loved, but this book blew me out of the water. I know I sound a bit over-dramatic, but it seriously met all my expectations . . . hilarious moments, toe-curling romance (while still acceptable to recommend to conservative readers), realistic characters, and a perfectly-orchestrated plot.

My Expectations as a Writer (and if They Were Met)

Melissa Tagg's writing is strong and witty. Her voice is excellent for contemporary romance. Her characters deal with real issues and real pain. Not everything is wrapped up in a neat bow at the end, but enough is to make this hopeless-romantic reader sigh with content.

Trust me, you won't want to miss HERE TO LAST, and I am SO looking forward to Book #3!

** This book was given to me by Bethany House Publishers for my honest review. All thoughts, opinions, and comments are my own. **